Sunday 1 May 2016

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay.......

.....wasting time.
I'm at Santander waiting for the ferry which leaves tomorrow at 3pm arriving in Portsmouth at around 2.30pm on Tuesday. This means I should be home around 5pm. I'm in getting home mode now! Spain has been great as, compared with Morocco, is very 'user friendly' even though I speak none of the language. The bike is still going well but has developed a slight coolant leak when I stop the engine if it is very hot. I checked the level and it has hardly dropped so no great drama. There is also a very slight oil leak as well. The bike is tired and needs a rest and a service after 4000 miles! (Bit like myself)! But with only about a mile to the ferry this end, and 112 miles in England, I should be fine. 
Well it's not all bad as I'm sitting in the Four Friends Pub and the barmaid (who speaks good English) has promised to show the Man U v Leicester game.
Before that it's the small matter of The rugby match between Exeter and Wasps. Which I will be following on my phone. Come on you Wasps!

Saturday 30 April 2016

Where Eagles Dare

Today I covered the 125 miles from Palencia to Santander in around 2 hours. The route took me through the Picos Mountains which rise to about 1500 metres and we're still snow capped! In fact there was more snow on them than on the way south 6 weeks ago. 
I went over a pass at over 1000 metres but, compared to the Atlas Mountains that I had traversed 4 weeks ago these are mere pimples! The pass between Marrakesh and Oarzazate was over 3000 metres! Although cold and damp my spirits were lifted by seeing dozens of eagles soaring above. 
All over Spain you see these huge signs:
The black bull is the symbol of the Osborne Bodega who make brandy and sherry! My Father did some research into the history as they share our family name, to find out that the Osbornes did indeed move out from England 400 years ago to ensure the supply of sherry to the UK. Maybe they are relatives and I will inherit the business! 
Like Palencia last night, Santander seems a very ordinary place. I nave 2 nights to kill here before the boat back to England. However I've bought some Omo and am looking forward to washing my pants ( as is everyone around me!)

Thursday 28 April 2016

Caceres - mid Spain

It's easy miles on the Spanish motorways and once I had passed Seville they are toll free. The mountains that on the way down had been tipped with snow were now (six weeks later) lush and green. The improvement in driving is astonishing as people give you room and are not constantly pushing in in front of you.
Caceres is a fairly unremarkable town until you get into the city centre when you come upon the medieval/moorish old town. 
I thought I was back in Morocco!
The cobbled streets take you from one historic vista to the next!
On the way back I came across this statue that looked fine from the front:
But when you you see it from behind it has a very different 'feel' to it:
And following on the theme of silly names  for places to eat (you may remember the Restaurant 'Le Tit' in Al Jadida) check this out:
I did not want to go there in case I made an arse of myself. Boom boom!!
Off to Palencia tomorrow. I don't know anything about the place but let's explore because after that it's Santander and the ferry home!

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Out of Africa

And back in Europe! I covered the 240 miles from Casablanca to Tanger Med Port in good time! This time the customs and police formalities were reasonably painless. In the queue for the boat I met Richard and Sally and their huge truck/camper with BMW GS on board and electric bicycles! It was a truly spectacular piece of kit!
They had been all the way down to The Gambia and we're heading back to England for an MOT and then an assignment in Newcastle. Forget Gambia that will be culture shock! They were the first people that I'd met in six weeks with a vehicle with UK number plates! Follow them on

The 4pm ferry became the 6pm as we finally cast off for Algeciras. 
Spain was visible through the haze and gradually came into view as Morocco baca me a misty silhouette. It was a huge contrast from the reverse crossing I had made in mid March when the drizzle and chill made visibility poor. This time Gibraltar was on full view as we passed. 
I'm staying in the same hotel that John (my brother) and I stayed in before I caught the ferry and John headed back to the UK on his Triumph. 
Tomorrow I head for Cacares, around 270 miles away. I'm looking forward to seeing it's city centre as its a UNESCO World Heritage site!

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Last night in Morocco

I said goodbye to Sue this morning as she jumped in a taxi for the airport. Having her here was great as we had a proper holiday! Having someone to talk to in your own language was great. I think she went home with bleeding ears. 
Before I could depart I had got to get my punctured front tyre fixed. I went to check on the bike yesterday evening and found the problem. Sue and I got the wheel off with the bike propped up on blocks so off I went in a taxi to get the puncture fixed, having first learned the necessary French words. I got in a taxi with the wheel and off we went to an area that has many bike repairers. In the first place the guy tried to patch the tube but it was too far gone so off went the taxi driver and myself in search of a new tube. After a couple of stores that did not have the correct inner tube I managed to get a heavy duty one and a local tyre fitter finished the job. Armed with the repaired wheel the taxi driver took me back to the hotel where I tipped him handsomely for his trouble.
The hotel where Sue and I stayed was very large but the staff were friendly. In the gardens lived a whole host of animals. There 2 tortoises, a family of cats, and many sparrows and blackbirds. 

At 12 noon, with the front wheel refitted,I set off for Casablanca 280 miles away. I first went through the mountains, then a desert, and finally arriving at a green and fertile plain! Such variety of landscapes here!
Tomorrow it's an early start as I'm off to Tangers to catch the ferry back to Europe! I'll be home in 7 days!

Wednesday 20 April 2016

From Essouaria to Agadir

French Shabby chic Essouaria to 'In yer face' Agadir! Only 109 miles apart but the two towns are completely different. 
My last day I went to the fashionable beach bar and could not quite reconcile the extreme water sports with camel rides on the beach. Unless, of course, they are extreme camel rides! Perhaps you sit backwards or something!

Great ride down through the olive groves and along the sea. Agadir is like a regular Mediterranean resort with all that brings!
Sue's here! Arrived yesterday! 
Finally I can speak to someone in English! The hotel is comfortable and quite huge. There are plenty of activities but I could not persuade Sue to do the belly dancing lessons. 
Although we may bothe enter the knobbly knees competition tomorrow!