Saturday 30 April 2016

Where Eagles Dare

Today I covered the 125 miles from Palencia to Santander in around 2 hours. The route took me through the Picos Mountains which rise to about 1500 metres and we're still snow capped! In fact there was more snow on them than on the way south 6 weeks ago. 
I went over a pass at over 1000 metres but, compared to the Atlas Mountains that I had traversed 4 weeks ago these are mere pimples! The pass between Marrakesh and Oarzazate was over 3000 metres! Although cold and damp my spirits were lifted by seeing dozens of eagles soaring above. 
All over Spain you see these huge signs:
The black bull is the symbol of the Osborne Bodega who make brandy and sherry! My Father did some research into the history as they share our family name, to find out that the Osbornes did indeed move out from England 400 years ago to ensure the supply of sherry to the UK. Maybe they are relatives and I will inherit the business! 
Like Palencia last night, Santander seems a very ordinary place. I nave 2 nights to kill here before the boat back to England. However I've bought some Omo and am looking forward to washing my pants ( as is everyone around me!)

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