Tuesday 26 April 2016

Last night in Morocco

I said goodbye to Sue this morning as she jumped in a taxi for the airport. Having her here was great as we had a proper holiday! Having someone to talk to in your own language was great. I think she went home with bleeding ears. 
Before I could depart I had got to get my punctured front tyre fixed. I went to check on the bike yesterday evening and found the problem. Sue and I got the wheel off with the bike propped up on blocks so off I went in a taxi to get the puncture fixed, having first learned the necessary French words. I got in a taxi with the wheel and off we went to an area that has many bike repairers. In the first place the guy tried to patch the tube but it was too far gone so off went the taxi driver and myself in search of a new tube. After a couple of stores that did not have the correct inner tube I managed to get a heavy duty one and a local tyre fitter finished the job. Armed with the repaired wheel the taxi driver took me back to the hotel where I tipped him handsomely for his trouble.
The hotel where Sue and I stayed was very large but the staff were friendly. In the gardens lived a whole host of animals. There 2 tortoises, a family of cats, and many sparrows and blackbirds. 

At 12 noon, with the front wheel refitted,I set off for Casablanca 280 miles away. I first went through the mountains, then a desert, and finally arriving at a green and fertile plain! Such variety of landscapes here!
Tomorrow it's an early start as I'm off to Tangers to catch the ferry back to Europe! I'll be home in 7 days!

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