Thursday 28 April 2016

Caceres - mid Spain

It's easy miles on the Spanish motorways and once I had passed Seville they are toll free. The mountains that on the way down had been tipped with snow were now (six weeks later) lush and green. The improvement in driving is astonishing as people give you room and are not constantly pushing in in front of you.
Caceres is a fairly unremarkable town until you get into the city centre when you come upon the medieval/moorish old town. 
I thought I was back in Morocco!
The cobbled streets take you from one historic vista to the next!
On the way back I came across this statue that looked fine from the front:
But when you you see it from behind it has a very different 'feel' to it:
And following on the theme of silly names  for places to eat (you may remember the Restaurant 'Le Tit' in Al Jadida) check this out:
I did not want to go there in case I made an arse of myself. Boom boom!!
Off to Palencia tomorrow. I don't know anything about the place but let's explore because after that it's Santander and the ferry home!

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