Wednesday 27 April 2016

Out of Africa

And back in Europe! I covered the 240 miles from Casablanca to Tanger Med Port in good time! This time the customs and police formalities were reasonably painless. In the queue for the boat I met Richard and Sally and their huge truck/camper with BMW GS on board and electric bicycles! It was a truly spectacular piece of kit!
They had been all the way down to The Gambia and we're heading back to England for an MOT and then an assignment in Newcastle. Forget Gambia that will be culture shock! They were the first people that I'd met in six weeks with a vehicle with UK number plates! Follow them on

The 4pm ferry became the 6pm as we finally cast off for Algeciras. 
Spain was visible through the haze and gradually came into view as Morocco baca me a misty silhouette. It was a huge contrast from the reverse crossing I had made in mid March when the drizzle and chill made visibility poor. This time Gibraltar was on full view as we passed. 
I'm staying in the same hotel that John (my brother) and I stayed in before I caught the ferry and John headed back to the UK on his Triumph. 
Tomorrow I head for Cacares, around 270 miles away. I'm looking forward to seeing it's city centre as its a UNESCO World Heritage site!

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