Wednesday 23 March 2016

Rock the Kasbah

Actually the Kasbah is a sleepy part of the old town with it's art galleries and small shops. What surrounds it are the walls of the old Portuguese fort as it sits in a prominent location overlooking the sea.
Still the weather is very changeable with warm sunny periods punctuated by violent thunderstorms. Last night I was kept awake by the frequent crashes of thunder and my window pounded by hail the size of acorns.
Yesterday the woman who runs the place led me to the laundry (a tiny shop in the Medina) and to the Maroc Telephone shop so I could buy a local sim (cheaper for phoning back to the UK) for my ancient Nokia phone. Today, a real treat, I got my clean clothes back nicely packaged and ironed. After a week on the road, with no access to laundry facilities, I must have smelled a little ripe. Four tee shirts and seven days on the road (you do the maths!) I wondered why I was not getting approached by touts and beggars were offering me the contents of their bowls!
The Riad that I'm staying in is a fantastic piece of design. The building is constructed around a central atrium which, in Summer, is open to the elements and in winter it wears a clear plastic hat. This means that the noise and chaos outside in the Medina is kept out as all the rooms face onto the atrium and this is a haven of peace.

Outside the Riad looks nothing:

But inside it is striking:

After exploring the Kasbah I walked down to the quay where many young couples walked hand in hand. I think this is a favourite spot for honeymooners though I'm not sure I would describe it as romantic.
There are police and soldiers everywhere. This place is on high alert. I guess that after terror attacks in Egypt, Turkey, and Tunisia they are doing the best not to be next. If the tourists were frightened away it would be tragic for this nation.
On the quay there is an old Arab Dhow moared which is a floating bar, club, and restaurant. I went along last night and had a beer listening to 1970's funk music (actually quite cool!).

I really thought that I would loose weight this trip but check out the meals in the Riad. Here's breakfast:-

And here's the lamb tagine I had the other night:

At this rate the only way I'll come back thinner is by contracting dysentery.
More later including my trip to the Roman ruins at Chellah! You lucky readers.

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