Sunday 20 March 2016

Sunday Evening in Algeciras

There's nothing like riding a bike in the warm sun, but I would not know about that as today was chilly and showery. We covered the 100 miles from Seville to Algeciras in around 2 hours stopping once for coffee and croissants.
Seville seems to be a party town where most life happens on the streets. There are so many bars and restaurants but we ended up in one of the 3 Irish pubs so we could watch the France v England Rugby. 'The Merchant' was very hospitable and reasonably priced so we enjoyed watching England defeat the French and win the Grand Slam surrounded by drunken Irishmen and English ex-pats.

On the way back from the pub we came across a small park with Baobab trees growing it it! The last time I saw these upside down trees was in Kenya. Also the smell of the orange blossom all over Seville is intoxicating.

On the way down there were numerous small trees by the side of the motorway covered in bright yellow blossom that was so vivid it almost looked like a burning bush (I think you can get cream for that).

Our hotel is something special! It has had many famous visitors including Churchill, King Juan Carlos, Cole Porter, and Orson Welles. If it's good enough for Orson, it's good enough for me! Not bad for €60!

John and I split up tomorrow and I proceed alone on the ferry to Africa.................

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