Monday 28 March 2016

Surf's up!

Today I went on an excursion to Oualudia what the guide book had described as a quaint fishing port. I'm not sure the guy who wrote the book had ever been there because it turned out to be a small but fashionable resort with swanky villas and good restaurants. 

The road down passed through a huge industrial zone with a power station, mineral refinery, and oil and gas storage. The heavy traffic had wrecked the road but my off road bike did not complain! With the industry passed the traffic became light and the Tarmac better and after about an hour I arrived at Oualidia. The town has a beautiful natural lagoon where surfers and kite surfers enjoy the more sheltered conditions. Outside of the lagoon the Atlantic Ocean pounds the coast with 20 foot waves.

The King of Morocco had a place here but it was abandoned in the 1960s. Not sure why as it is in a wonderful location. Well he does have 4 other gaffes around Morocco so I'm not feeling sorry for him. Here's a picture with surfers in the foreground.

I was descended on by touts trying to sell me anything from oysters to a boat trip around the bay! I'm pretty good at dealing with this situation as I've lived for 3 years in India and a polite but firm'no' usually works.
I had lunch in a very attractive and quiet restaurant eating a delicious cod in a parsley sauce with fresh veg. 

Coming back into El Jadida I came across the usual suicidal road crossers! People amble across the road while the traffic weaves around them. Me I'm like Ussain Bolt sprinting across for my life (well I'm a fatter, slower, and whiter than Ussain so not really like him at all!)
Yesterday, as it was Sunday, loads of people were out on the streets and beach. I got my picture taken with Colin the Camel:

And found my sort of restaurant:

Lastly here's a picture of me sitting in the sun toasting all friends and family back in England! A special shout goes out to all at the Plough at Stalisfield Green. 

More tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Tim we miss you dearly but so pleased for you to be having this adventure! Was lovely seeing Sue and Tom tonight and I look forward to seeing you in Afew weeks and hearing all of this stories over a pint of Biddenden
    Much love
    Becky xx
