Thursday 31 March 2016


I rode the 3 hours from El Jadida to Marrakesh yesterday. It was far more interesting keeping off the motorway as you go through the real Morocco. I had my first experience of the Desert! I've never been to a desert before just flown over a couple. But this is what it looks like:-

It is largely rocks and gravel and not the huge sand dunes you see it the movies!
Going through the small towns and villages out in the sticks you realise how little people have. Almost Biblical scenes of shepherds tending around a dozen sheep. They have to tend them because there are no fences so they graze wherever there is a blade of grass or scrub. Then you arrive in Marrakesh and the strip that my hotel is on is like something out of Las Vegas with all the hotels, clubs, and casinos. There are designer shops everywhere selling Armani, Gucci, etc... People are driving Jags and Mercedes. The difference between the 2 Moroccos, within 20 miles of each other, is shocking. I'm beginning to sound like Che Guevara in his book 'Motorcycle Diaries'. I came across similar disparity in India. But there its was religion (and cricket) that bound society together and prevented much civil unrest. The idea that you will reap your reward through incarnation is powerful and perhaps Islam does the same here. I should get off my soap box quick as I'm staying in a 5 star hotel! 

I'm going off to see the sights of Marrakesh tonight so more later. But until then I have posted a Go Pro video, on You tube, showing what its like riding through Morocco. Here's the link:
Go Pro video riding through Morocco

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