Monday 21 March 2016

Strange Day

It was a strange but good day. John and I said our farewells at 6.30 this morning as I headed off to catch the 8am ferry from Algeciras to Tangers. John will now head home along the Med for about the next week while I explore Morocco.
I arrived at the Port in the dark to find mostly retired Germans in their huge Campervans going off to chase the early spring sunshine. The ferry was a shabby affair with 1970's décor and a strange odour. Even though the conditions were not great you could clearly see Gibraltar and Africa simultaneously. I was feeling a little apprehensive as we slipped away from Europe and approached Africa, but this was alleviated as a pair of Bottle-nosed Dolphins came close to check us out. Here's a selfie of me with Gibraltar in the background.

Moroccan Customs were quite difficult as a few of us did not realise that we had to get our passports stamped on the boat. So the police sent me back on board but, as the small crowd of offending travellers had inconvenience the Police, they made is wait on the naughty step for an hour! The rest of the customs formalities were as I had been warned; taking a form from this office to next to get it stamped etc. as I was temporarily importing the bike. However no money changed hands in order to assist the process so I felt quite proud, although I was made to wait.
The 3 hour ride down to Rabat, the Moroccan capital, was quite easy as the motorway was very similar to the Spanish ones I had pounded down for 3 days. However the arrival in Rabat, and the search for my hotel, was far from straight forward. I did not realise that the Riad (traditional Moroccan Hotel) I had booked was in the middle of the Medina. This meant riding the bike through a labyrinth of back alleys, negotiating the stall keepers and shoppers. It was a bit like a scene from a Bond or Bourne movie! But could I find the hotel? Could I hell! At one point I had 5 people helping me. People are so kind when you get to these sort of places. Eventually it was found and turned out to be an oasis of peace in this bustling and noisy area. I have my own roof terrace and here is the view across the rooftops of the Medina:-

My room is basic but comfortable and the owner cannot do enough to help including letting me park my bike in the lobby!!:

   Off out to eat shortly so more tomorrow as I explore Rabat.

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