Wednesday 6 April 2016

Ait Ben Haddou

This morning the winds had dropped and the skies were clear. There was no sign of yesterday's sandstorm. So I took the 20km trip to Ait Ben Haddou where so many films have been shot. You can recognise the places where Gladiator and Prometheus were filmed and some of the desert vistas look familiar from Lawrence of Arabia.
On the way in the place does not look much as a more modern town has sprouted up nearby to take advantage of the tourists. You walk down to the bridge across the river and then you see it and it takes your breathe away especially at this time in the year with the snow capped Atlas in the background. It is easy to sea why it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Once on the other side of the Oued you climb up through the twisting alleys of the old town, past the numerous, stalls selling trinkets and trash, eventually arriving at the summit for another stunning panorama. The place was crawling with Dutch students who had a tendency to sing like the Von Trapp family. 

I crossed back over the river using the stepping stones provided and found a terrace with the most beautiful view. I enjoyed a Moroccan tea (delicious) as I got some final shots.

Tomorrow I am going to hit the numerous trails that cross the desert and surrounding hills. I gave decided to move on fairly soon. The young guy who runs the Riad is creeping me out. He's about 18 and wears shorts that are far too tight.  I cannot understand him as he grunts (nothing new there) his French. 

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