Monday 11 April 2016

Snapped chain!

IYesterday I made the 120 mile journey from Agadir to Essouaria. Unfortunately it did not go without incident because 4 miles out of Agadir my chain snapped! Initially I did not think that this would be a problem as I was carrying spare links. However these turned out to be for a standard chain and I had purposely fitted a hard wearing X ring chain! 
I was on a busy dual carriageway and I needed to get back into Agadir to find a mechanic. I loaded all my stuff back on the bike, having removed the chain, and pushed it across this busy dual carriageway taking my life on my hands! I pushed the heavy bike for about half a mile getting seriously dehydrated when two lads on a moped stopped. I showed them my broken chain and they groaned. They asked me in French if I had considered a 'Honda'. This turned out to be what they call the small trucks that are all over Morocco. Within 2 minutes seconds they had flagged down a truck, negotiated a price for me with the very young driver, and loaded the bike on. They had given the driver the location of a mechanic and off we went for the 20 minute trip. Bearing in mind this was Sunday I wondered if it would be open but once we arrived and several guys helped unload it was clear he could help me. I paid the driver £5 for taking the bike ( the 2 guys had negotiated a price of £3!) and I left the bike at the mechanics to find water and rehydrate! 1.5litres later I was feeling better and headed off for Moroccan tea in a nearby cafe. I returned to the mechanic who had repairs my bike and I was ready to try again. Here's the Workshop!
Once again my faith in the kindness of people was reaffirmed.
So, bike restored, I set off again. The traffic was really bad for the first 29 miles as it was Sunday and people were off to the beach. The suddenly it disappeared and I was on another great road with the azure blue sea to my left and sand coloured mountains to my right.

The road twisted and turned eventually heading up and up!

The road headed inland going through huge olive groves where guys were selling 'Argan oil' by the side of the road. It is meant to have beautification powers! I nearly stopped to get some and apply to my arise which was a little sore by this stage!
After another few minutes I arrived in Essouaria and quickly found my swanky hotel! 
I went out to find something to eat in the old Messina. This is quite a fashionable place. There is a mixture of artists, surfers, and other Bohemians! Including fat blokes on 11 year old motorcycles! More exploring to do soon! 

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