Wednesday 13 April 2016

Photogenic Essouaria

My last blog seams to have disappeared!
Today I explored the port, the fish market, and the old fort as they are in the same place. I'd had my usual breakfast of coffee, orange juice, and a crepe, at a cafe just outside the Medina. 
This is the third busiest fishing port in Morocco and was a hive of activity! 
I paid the 70pence entry fee to the old fort and walked along the ramparts. The fort along with most of the town was built by the French in the 18th century and it still has a Gallic feel.
From the walls you can look down into the fish market and see fishermen mending their nets.

You can also see an old castle, on a small island, that is gradually sinking into the sand and is believed to be the inspiration for Jimi Hendrix's 1968 song 'Castle made of Sand'! He visited Morocco for a few weeks in the 60's. 
From the fort you get a great view of the walled Medina:
I had then to go back to the hotel for a shower as I'd been shat on by Sea Gulls twice. I hear it's good luck so I'm off out to buy a lottery ticket! 

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